Hello, I’m Dr. Troyer (please call me “Jason”). My wife, Jenny, and I have 3 daughters (along with a Labradoodle, a Doodleman (Doberman/Poodle) & 3 Guinea Pigs). We live in the foothills of east Tennessee near the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.

I’m originally from small-town Iowa, went to school at Truman State University in Missouri, and then met Jenny at the University of Kansas (Go Jayhawks!).

I earned my bachelor’s in psychology, master’s in counseling, and PhD in counseling psychology. I was a psychology professor at Maryville College for almost 15 years. But now I help funeral homes & cemeteries connect with their communities. I also work part-time at a funeral home/cemetery combo. I believe this provides me with both the insight of the bereaved and the challenges faced by funeral or cemetery owners.

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Feel free to contact me about my services and products. I’m happy to chat with anyone who helps bereaved individuals (funeral/cemetery professionals, hospice professionals, mental health professionals, etc.). If I’m not the right person to help you, I probably know someone who is.